
My name is

My name is Guillermo Haro, I was born on a dirt floor in Zacatecas, Mexico At age 5 our family migrated to the US. Spanish is my first language. As a poor immigrant family we struggled financially. Both of my parents were super hard workers, they did their part to give us a shot at the American Dream. Growing up I made up my mind that I was gonna “Be somebody.” 21 years ago I was invited to a financial seminar & that evening I met a man (Ed Mylett) who would change my life forever. He coached me into being the man I am today. I’m incredibly grateful. My why has evolved over time, today I’m a proud father of 3 beautiful children. I’m blessed with an amazing woman as my wife. So I do what I do on a daily basis for my family. My passion is empowering people with a fundamental financial education. Financial literacy is at an all time low & millions of people across our great country are living paycheck to paycheck